My apartment right now is made up of whatever we have gotten for free. Seriously. We bought: our bed, a small entertainment center, and a microwave cart...and recently a 35 dollar loveseat from craigslist. That's it. We're cheap, poor, and we have super generous friends and family... so it works for us for the time being. But.
A girl can dream can't she?
One of my current favorites is to look at all the amazingly creative ways to make a home homey.
I've bookmarked a ton of fun blogs/websites so I can start to visualize what I want the feel of my home to be; and little by little add things that will make it a reality.
I like things to be open and airy, cozy but not cluttered. I really want my home to be fun. I want people to feel like they can be just as chill or as crazy as they feel like being. I also want to introduce my children (whether my own or foster or adopted or daycare...) to beauty early on. CS Lewis talks about the first time he remembers experiencing something as beautiful... apparently most of his childhood was drab. I want my children to learn to love all things beautiful, both because they'll be more joyful life-livers and because beauty is one of my favorite shadows of heaven and the Author of all beauty.
As for color... i dunno. I've always been a neutrals-woodsy tones kinda gal, but I'm beginning to be a color-convert. The other day when I was eating an absurd amount of clementines, I smelled my cuticles and thought..."I want to paint something orange!" Maybe just a shelf. Definitely not a whole wall... but something.
Anywho. Here's a few of my favorite inspirations:

I love the simplicity of this kitchen. The antique-y looking barnwood counter especially. I would add more plants (my herbs of course!) and perhaps paint a few of the bricks.
I love the dark green and cream with splashes of magenta here. The french door frames painted green makes me feel so cheerful.
I like the idea of unique throw pillows. Its cheaper than an awesome couch and easily replacable if a little one sneaks grape juice out of the kitchen.

I don't know how well you can see these but they're super delicate ceramic leaves that hang from the ceiling. So beautiful. Along these same lines: wind chimes. Love 'em.

This just came to me but what about picture frames painted different colors instead of just black, gold, or wood? Maybe all in the same color but different shades?
So, that's a few of my ideas that I'll be trying to improvise for super cheap... Now I gotta go 'cause Bones is on and then THE OFFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ba ba ba da ba da ba BA!!!!
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