You have grown so much. There really isn't very much Baby left. You are a little boy. It makes me sad ang glad at the same time.
We moved and you have your very own room. It is wonderful. We no longer trip on your toys constantly. They are organized in bins on your bookshelves and under your crib. You love being able to find whatever you want to play with all by yourself. You also have a shelf in the kitchen which has a snack and a cup of water on it that you can reach and I love when we come inside from playing and you walk straight into the kitchen for a drink without having to whine for one. It seems so old for some reason.

You still love to read. Your favorite books now are Dear Zoo and My Big Animal Book and anything with flaps. You are also now obsessed with bugs (especially lady bugs), trains, the "Lonely Goatherd" song on The Sound of Music, and clocks. Yes, clocks. I don't know why, but you get SO EXCITED when you spot one.
You of course still love balls and learned to kick a soccer ball, to your Aunties' delight and you are developing a pretty good throwing arm. I find myself ducking when we play catch.
You have become SO much more sociable in the last month or so and we can leave you with both Grandma and Lola with no crying at all. If we are with you, you will also go up to other people and play with them. You wave and smile at strangers instead of frowning. It's so much more fun for everyone.
Your sense of humor and fun is developing beautifully and we love to hear your laugh! Your favorite game is hide and seek with Daddy. He hides and then jumps out and chases you and you run shrieking with laughter into my arms for "protection." You get into EVERYTHING and I'm constantly finding new piles of random stuff that you have scattered about the floor.
Keep growing and learning and we'll try to keep up!
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