Friday, August 19, 2011

Part I: My side of the story

So my adorable husband hacked my blog and beat me to the punch with the whole birth story thing. Every spare moment I've had for the past two weeks has been spent napping, not blogging. But, I'm waiting for maintenance to come fix our air conditioning and the bebe is fast asleep, so now is as good a time as any. Please excuse all of the bad grammar etc that is sure to follow. Zeke took half my brain with him when he exited the premises.

I'm writing this mostly for myself, so I don't forget. And for other women out there who want to have a natural childbirth in a hospital setting. It really helped me to read other stories when making my birth plan and I hope that this can help someone feel more confident that it CAN be done.

WARNING: May contain TMI for some of you that actually know me, so if you don't want to hear about my mucus plug and bulging bag of waters, stop now. lol.

Monday August 1st, I had braxton hicks contractions every five minutes. We started to get excited. But they didn't hurt, so i figured it was just a warm up.

Tuesday the 2nd, I felt like I was having a meltdown. Totally an emotional basket case, feeling needy and exhausted. Looking back on it, I think it was a sign of impending labor. Hormones much?

Wednesday I started to lose my mucus plug. Gross I know. I spent the whole morning googling "mucus plug" and "bloody show" and every article told me the same thing: "It could be soon! Or it could be another two weeks!" So not helpful internet...

Thursday I woke up. Contracting. Painful contractions. It basically felt like period cramps that came and went every ten minutes. Definitely different than braxton hicks. So I drove BeefyGeek to work and can home and did everything Bradley says to do (we did the Bradley "Husband-Coached childbirth" classes as my husband already mentioned). He says to walk, eat, drink, shower, and nap... and see if your contractions go away, if they don't... pack your bags! The only thing I couldn't successfully do was nap. I was way too intense and excited to sleep. I also did all of our laundry, cleaned the bathroom and vacuumed. Last minute nesting I suppose. I then watched The Delivery episode of The Office. It seemed appropriate.

Mid-morning I started timing my contractions. Sure enough they were getting more regular and closer together, slowly but surely. By the time I went to pick up the hubby from work, they were about 7 minutes apart. I showed Jon the paper with my contractions recorded on it. His jaw dropped. "So you think he's coming this weekend?" I laughed and said, "Babe, I think we'll be going to the hospital TONIGHT." I don't think he believed me.

All this time, Jon was the only person to know something was happening (oh, and our Bradley instructor :-) I dreaded being "that first time mom" who has a million false alarms, so I didn't want to tell anyone until we were sure. On the way home from the office, we pulled up next to my sister in law at a red light, and I was terrified that she would ask if we were seeing any action, so I monopolized the quick conversion and then yelled at Jon to DRIVE! Lol.

My body must have been waiting for my coach, because as soon as he got home, I relaxed and my contractions got closer together really quickly. By around eight they were 5 minutes apart for one hour lasting a minute each, which if when you call... so I called. The midwife on call (Caitlyn, the youngest of the midwives) told me to wait until they are so intense the I can't make the call, and then have my husband call. So we watched some shows.

For your info, DO NOT watch something funny while in labor. Laughing during a contraction is NO JOKE. No pun intended. So Parks and Rec got replaced by Prison Break (our latest Netflix obsession) and we hung out until like eleven, when I told Jon he should get some sleep.

He slept for like an hour while I tried to relax through the contractions by myself. Laying down hurt terribly, so I got in the shower and the relief was wonderful. BUT I eventually had to get out and when I did, I couldn't control my moaning anymore and it woke Jon up and he decided it was time to call again. (I was strep B positive and couldn't wait too long to get there since I need two doses of anti-biotics at least four hours apart.)

Caitlyn told us to come on down. So we left our apartment at around 1230 am.

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