Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I have two days left in which to imagine a boy or a girl. Friday afternoon I will be limited by the truth. So I've decided to indulge in a revelry of mystery.

If you, my itty flutterbudget, are a girl I cannot wait to...

-do your hair in pigtails. and then watch you shake them.
-buy you lots of clothes with eyelets.
-decorate cookies. and Christmas cards. and valentines. and birthday cakes.
-read you Little House in the Big Woods, Little Women, Anne of Green Gables, and the Mandie Books.
-show you the Sound of Music. and sing the songs at the top of our lungs together.
-watch you twirl for your Daddy.
-teach you to get muddy in creeks and climb trees and skin your knees. because being a girl doesn't mean being too prissy for fun.
-someday watch you dance with your Daddy at your wedding. if you want dancing at your wedding. its your day, no pressure. ;-)
-pretty much everything involving you and your Daddy together. he's going to be such a sucker for you.
-watch you grow into a strong, wise, loving, lovable woman of God.

If, my dearest little kicker, you are a boy, I cannot wait to...

-play legos, and action figures, and trucks with you.
-show you Star Wars and light-saber battle with you.
-watch you wrestle your Daddy.
-"decorate" cookies with you. knowing all along that all you really want is to eat the sprinkles.
-read you comic books, and Swiss Family Robinson, and Frog and Toad.
-go exploring and let you do things that scare me slightly, to see that triumph on your face.
-toss you onto our big bed over and over until my arms hurt.
-dress up like superheroes and flight each other to the death.
-see you imitate your Daddy and want to be just like him.
-watch you grow into a strong, wise, loving lovable man of God.

In either case I cannot with to pray with you, tickle you, hold you, hug you, kiss you, smoosh you, care for you when your sick, laugh with you, teach you, sing to you, discipline you, train you, and mother you. And of course read you The Chronicles of Narnia.

I don't know you, but I love you already, whoever you are.

Oodles of X's and O's

Mommy (I can't believe I can call myself that.)

1 comment:

Mom at Work said...

Yay!! I am very excited for you. You'll be surprised at how many extra things that aren't even on this list that you'll find to enjoy... like dancing to Newsboys.;-)